A store where you can always find quality yet affordable textiles and products at incredible prices.
Dress your entire family in quality clothes at affordable prices
An amazing 70% of the items on sale at KIK in Supernova Mercator Tržaška consist of the latest fashion clothing and textiles. Find everything from women's, men's and children's clothing to other textile products, such as excellent baby clothes at a low price.
To round out your purchase, you can also browse a wide range of products for home, work, school or leisure. Discover wonderful gifts, toys, cosmetics, fashion accessories, useful home organizer items, and seasonal decorations that will brighten up your home. Don't hesitate and visit KIK to dress your entire family in one place and fill your shopping bags with astonishingly affordable and high-quality products that will brighten up your life.
Kik brings you the best family shopping
Kik is a shopping paradise for the savvy smart shopper as it brings quality clothes and home accessories for the whole family at very affordable prices. Men and women fashion collections include different styles, from elegant and formal to jeans, adding comfortable underwear and seasonal shoes to complete your outfit.
Teenagers will find their own funky style in the young urban street collection, perfect for the fashionista of tomorrow. While for babies and older children there is a playful fun kids collection with clothes, accessories and toys that make their day perfect. At Kik you will also find school supplies that match your back to school style, home accessories and décor, always at amazingly low prices.